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NEW Streamlined booking process

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45 min LIVE Author Session

Up to 50 students

Best suited for grades 3 and above, adapted to suit grade / age. 

Presentation + Q&A

(I am available for in-person and online visits year round - Tailored visits are invoiced.)

This option is for a single enrichment session, great for 1-2 classes. 

Launched in conjunction with my new book, GIOVANNI, these sessions introduce students to the book, my author background, what 'diversity in literature' means and we delve deeper into the 'story behind the story'. I discuss narrative non-fiction and how students can take these tools into their own writing with plenty of time for Q&A at the end. 

For a limited time, SCIS readers can apply a special 10% off code. 

Look for an article about Diversity in Literature featuring my new book, GIOVANNI, in the Term 4, 2023 edition of SCIS Magazine.  

Online details: School to host on their platform. 

Teacher to monitor and supervise in the classroom. 

Crystal will contact after payment to schedule a time. 

Email with questions anytime or arrange a call to discuss. 

Crystal has an active WWCC. 

Fee as per ASA Rates


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